Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Please be sure to read November 16th posting.
TODAY:  More internet reports, more gossip and statements about the status of deliveries.  As of this evening, none of our Donors have deliveries or notices.  Prayers continue.

A Vision for Transition to the New Ways

As the Old Ways of believing and doing things give way to a global culture where people everywhere have come to understand that their thoughts are creating their future, we see a quick, smooth, graceful transition into an entirely New Way of Life for everyone who lives and breathes on this Earth.

We see the "world managers" who have held the peoples of all nations in check, in a flash of insight, gleaning the wisdom, the utter goodwill, in helping us restructure our economies to reflect an equality of all life, an exchange system of integrity and fairness, an honoring of creativity, and a return to a lifestyle based on the sacredness of Spirit that is in each and every person, plant, and animal.

We envision a continued flow of goods and services and a new abundance that has come to us because human greed and profit are no longer the reference points for our transactions and interactions. The competition of the past had been replaced by a caring for one another, and, as a result, everyone now has free access to all good things.

We see soldiers dropping their weapons and using their energy constructively, instead of destructively, to build homes, highways, transportation systems, and so forth. We see those who "owned" the sources of energy that we use daily now releasing the news of free energy sources and beginning to implement these new systems.

We envision ways that gently wean people off of their addictions to drugs and pharmaceuticals being made available to all so that our health care institutions are now incorporating the use of finer, subtle energies to heal and comfort people. And we see the emotional blocks that, in the past, precipitated our pain, being relieved and released via simple procedures so that all are now free to experience life to its fullest, in complete good health.

We see all debts forgiven, all contracts cancelled, and all criminals incarcerated for crimes against themselves released. Likewise, we see new techniques and procedures for rehabilitation made available which will completely allow all prisoners to be released in a very short time.

And we see the Grace of God revealing itself in all situations, especially those that seem irreconcilable or inflexible, bringing a resolution which strengthens our Souls, dispels our doubts, and honors the Spirits of every man, woman, and child who walk this Earth. We envision a day when everyone understands, to the depth and core of their Being, that no matter how difficult something may appear, no matter how impossible it may have seemed in the past, that when we seek out and call forth solutions which embrace the Highest Good for all concerned, everything gets better.

REPRINTED FROM: This can be translated into 58 languages on the site.

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