Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Greetings to All:
Wish we had news of deliveries for you.  We have not heard much of any rumors and we continue to hope that is good news. There is a rumor of announcements this evening.  Many, many times we have heard this statement!!!  Again, best we depend on the notice by our donors that deliveries has commenced.

Affiliates, Associate Brokers and Clients:
Good day to everyone.  The below memo is being published again, due to the fact, our attorney is receiving calls again.  Therefore we have discontinued representation of those clients:
We are experiencing problems with potential clients and existing clients contacting our bank to try and obtain information about funding.  The bank trust account merely receives funds with a pre-advice when the client pays our fees.  That is after funding commences.  Some calls to the bank were reported to say "Cloud 9 Trust is funding us".  The bank could consider closing the account, if any more calls are made to them.  I regret we have such unsophisticated people in this world of humanitarian funding.  Out of over 250 projects, the few have caused serious problems.  On the whole, it's fortunate, with a few over shadowing the good.   David Maxwell's friend and attorney has been willing to allow Cloud 9 Trust to put forth banking in the Pay Order so we can have clients sign an agreement to pay the required fee for us to represent them in this potential funding!  
I am now changing the Cloud 9 Trust policy; returning to our original policy.  Cloud 9 Trust must determine if we wish to represent a client.  If a client demonstrates difficulty in understanding the process and our function, respecting our position and their responsibility to conduct themselves in a professional and reasonable manner, we could decline to represent them.  No matter how good the project appears to be, the client must pass this test.  It's a long journey with no promise of funding.  To accomplish this decision making process, one of the Cloud 9 Trustees will interview each and every client, receive their submission, and then if we determine the project meets certain standards; interview the Principal and evaluate them for acceptance as our client.  When we make the decision to go forward, we will then contact the client.  We still will not accept a client unless they provide us with the referring broker.
You have all made my job easier by obtaining the submission docs and in most cases, doing the submission work for them.  Thank you.  When and if this Prosperity Program begins, we anticipate this funding could continue for ten years. 
The clients must understand we submit projects to what we consider viable sources.  We have no control over the selection of a project for funding nor can we promise to obtain them funding.  We've previously had several projects "to the table", signed contracts and Due Diligence packages provided at great expense, with no financing results.  This is not supposed to be the situation with this particular Prosperity Program opportunity. We pray it is all that was represented to be.  I've done my best to provide you with sources and information to be informed about this group.  Normally, we do not disclose the source until contract.  We request that you and your clients understand and recognize that the bank information provided to you by Cloud 9 Trust has nothing to do with project funding.  The Attorneys Trust account at this bank only serves to collect Cloud 9 fees.  Therefore any calls to this bank or our attorney, prior to funding are unnecessary.  If a client or his staff contacts the attorney or the bank, prior to funding, the project will be rejected and we will decline to further represent them.

If we don't continue to submit, we would never be funded.  So we continue this road together, aware of the history of project funding, being non-existent, due to re-directed funds used for other purposes.  We believe we are doing what we are called upon to do, so we continue praying for the day when evil will be overcome and we will be provided the funds to continue in God's plan. We encourage each and every project to continue to look for funding from all sources as nothing is for sure.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today folks, there are not even rumors and speculation.  Our patience will be rewarded.  Enjoy a magnificent weekend.  Remember; smiles are contagious.

Life is short, So..... Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly,
Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that made you smile and relish in the blessings bestowed by the almighty.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We continue to utilize this blog for the Prosperity Program updates, when there is any verifiable news.  Some program participants (Donors) have committed to fund Cloud 9 Trust projects, so we will continue to stay in communication with these Donors until deliveries have commenced and then we will post.  All clients please be aware our other potentials funding sources will be confidential and no activities disclosed on this forum.    We remain dedicated to securing funding for your project.

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .
"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Friday, September 17, 2010


HOWDY TO ALL:  May God smile upon you today and everyday.  

A personal "thank you" to all the followers and readers of our blog for being patient and faithful to the cause.  Appreciate all your kind words and encouragement.   Let's relax and put it all in His hands.    

(Thanks, M. :) 
Reader MW writes: 
Hi all, I was speaking tonight to another prosperity program participant about the power of prayer. We thought it would be wonderful for all of us waiting for the programs to fund to pray at the same time for the completion of deliveries.
Let's all pray tomorrow and every day until fruition at Noon Eastern, 11 am Central, 10 am MT, 9 am Pacific.

Good works are links that form a chain of love. .
-Mother Teresa 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One Day at a Time

May God Smile upon you today.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Until confirmation by our Donors the deliveries are received, we are not posting updates or news on the Prosperity Program.  Please continue to check each day, so don't be disappointed if you do not see a new post.

It appears everyone we know, that are involved, are waiting with the same attitude.  Continue working on your Executive Summary and submit.  They will be made part of your submission package.

We continue in our pledge to investigate any viable funding sources for your projects. 

Always keep your words soft and sweet,
Just in case you have to eat them. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



I finally discovered “Who is Pop?”.  Other than being a Texan with wonderful audio commentaries.  Diana 
Pops claims that a few so-called Patriots tried to Restore America in 1980 and again in 1996 and again in 2000, but they screwed up each time and some men went to jail. Pops has some real concerns about Dr Dale Livingston and the restraining orders against him. We need to do our own homework and watch this thing carefully.  September 2nd, 2010 | Posted in Current Events, Freemasonry/Illuminati, N W O, Restore America Plan

GIFTING; MORE DISCUSSION:  There have been many comments on the Cloud 9 Group (SKYPE) about gifting yesterday, so here I am again with further discussion and a request.  Yesterday’s post discussed the history of the gifting and Cloud 9 Trust involvement.  Let me say that if anyone asks for a commission, donation or fee, that is NOT the intention of Cloud 9 Trust for accumulating names for Donors.  We collected names from our clients around the world for Donors to gift those in need and did not judge or question their integrity when providing the names.   If anyone is misusing this process, this will STOP. There is no money necessary to participate, unless you are working with JM.  He now requires a donation.  Please report any actions of anyone trying to collect a fee to one of our Trustees.   Now on to more pleasant matters:  When the gifting commences, we will ask for those providing us names, to monitor your people and report those not gifted.  There are still Donors that are in need of names, outside those using JM to obtain names. We will place those in need of gifting with another Donor.  That is our commitment to everyone that we can possibly serve in this program, as long as God inspires us to do so.  

Live honestly, Love generously, Care deeply, Speak kindly; Leave the rest to God.

[3:29:35 PM] Dave Mack:  This is an invitation to join us on tonight’s call at  724-444-7444, Code 85843# 7:00pm central where we will be discussing the move forward in masses.  Please invite anyone to join us!  (Sam Kennedy is talking now)
    Tonight's call is on how we move forward in masses to make an impact and difference in our communities.  The important thing to understand is making contact, gathering and getting to know one another and why it is relevant at this time.  We are not in a hurry to make mistakes.  The ultra's didn't destroy us overnight, we will not restore America overnight either.  Slow down, know your neighbor, love your neighbor.  If we continue all efforts united together, we win! 
    We will also discuss "THE FRAUD" perpetrated against the People.  You will have instructions on what to do for now, then you sit and wait to hear from us.  Because of the sensitivity of information leaking, we will not be able to broadcast the plan publicly.  You will continue to receive instructions over the next few weeks and when all is set up, then and only then "in unity", we move forward together.  The time for doing it  ALONE is up.  It's time to get your hands dirty....every last one of us!
    We will also discuss the New Website Development.  We are asking you, the People to dig in and put your suggestions in the hat looking towards the future for your website.  It is your website, we want to see your vision and creativity for now and the future.  We need to prepare for the "what if scenarios" now, not later.  We need to be ready!  You will have only 1 week to make suggestions for the website, then that email account is scrapped.  We will give out the email address for suggestions tonight.  Please do not utilize this email account for sending other information, just the website development.
    We will have an important guest and team player on tonight's call.  We are so thrilled that it is Sam Davis.  Sam has gracefully agreed to join your efforts to move forward in "Saving our Country" and our future for FREEDOM!  Most of you know Sam, but for those who don't, he is an amazing person with the knowledge, will and strength to help us move forward in our efforts.  He is a humble man!  Sam is an important part of what is happening out here in Unity and our communities.  I am excited that he has come aboard with "We the People" and pray for our success moving forward.  Sam will introduce himself tonight and give a short background review of himself, then discuss many other important avenues.   Please welcome him and feel free to ask questions after his announcement.
    Many of you started your quest to save our country a long time ago, others are new in the arena.  We need to be observant and compassionate towards the many newcomers who aren't quite sure of what is really happening behind the scenes of our country.  "What you know, may not be so with another".  Every single person can and will make a difference if they stand together with compassion, strong values and a sense of belonging in unity.  "Leave the egos at the door" as Dave says.  If you can take that passion and utilize your hearts and souls in the community, this will work.  Speak up, speak loud, speak from the heart, but leave no man, woman or child behind in our move forward. NOONE! 
    We thank you for all you do.  Your time and efforts will never go unnoticed by anyone who loves their country. 
    God Bless you all for your love of The Creator and Your Country!  We must continue on if we will have Freedom to pass down to our current and future generations!
    Keep your eyes on "The SUMMIT" as it is the key in UNITING every last one of us in it's finale'.
God Bless!
The united States De Jure Government Team
talkshoe:  85843 look for "the united states de jure government"

An Old Cherokee Saying 
This is probably the best I've ever heard life explained!

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.
"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
"The other is God - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." 
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Inquiring minds want to know: what is our status?

Al Hodges is an attorney. He is one of the attorneys working on the legal matters pertaining to a lawsuit against the SEC, over a 5th amendment lawsuit involving Trillions of $ because the SEC wrongfully held monies from people without due process of law. It also includes, I believe, the programs money, which is part of a $42 Trillion payout mentioned in the letter.
Below is a copy of a letter from Mr. Hodges to the shareholders explaining the delays (suppression by the White House) and what is in store for us all when the suppression is lifted (See point #2 below). Mr. Hodges practices in Pasadena CA.
A. Clifton Hodges (CSBN 046803)
4 East Holly Street, Suite 202
Pasadena, CA 91103-3900
UPDATE FROM ATTORNEY HODGES of Hodges and Associates INTERIM UPDATE August 15, 2010
We have, as you are now more than aware, confronted a serious headwind to obtaining Economic Receipt. Although I have previously stated that I would not provide an “update” until we had confirmation of economic receipt or, I became convinced that payment to CMKX shareholders would not be forthcoming in a timely manner, it is now apparent that several matters need to be addressed:
• I am an attorney and have been retained by seven brave and exceptional shareholders that represent a cross section of the proposed class; as such, I act at all times as their counsel.
• At this instant in time, I literally represent only the seven named plaintiffs; as a result, I am constrained in the types and extent of information which I can provide to putative members of the class. As we’ve said before, the status of the litigation can at all times be monitored on PACER.
• As a point of fact, the recent Court hearing was utilized in part as a means of conveying to the Judge and to the defendants, some of the additional information which can [if necessary] be added to our complaint to comply with The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. We have not been thrown out of Court; the Judge, on his own, granted additional time for us to file an amended Complaint.
• If necessary [which I still believe not] we will file an amended complaint specifying in more detail exactly how the individual Commissioners caused harm of Constitutional dimension to the CMKX shareholders. This litigation will be aggressively pursued until such time as all shareholders have been paid.
I remain convinced that we will prevail. The belief of some that yelling and screaming, loudly and publicly enough, can somehow “force” release of the CMKX moneys, is erroneous and misplaced; it will not. Why it won’t help, you ask; it can’t help when the core problem is the White House. I believe that the SEC is anxious for this to be over; however, it is not the SEC that holding things up, IMO. I do believe that media exposure is beneficial in the sense that it keeps the pressure on the entire financial community.
Inquiring minds want to know: what is our status; what has been going on; what is holding up economic receipt; when will our money be released; and how much money is there? As before, I will address each of these questions, to the extent I am able, separately:
1. How Much Money – As I have said before, we have persuasive evidence to all of the facts alleged as such in the complaint; accordingly, there is a total of 3.87 Trillion Dollars.
2. When is Release – The CMKX distribution funds will be released within a very short time after there is confirmation of Economic Receipt. What does that mean? It means that currently in process is a massive shift of wealth within the US and the world community; that includes: pay-out of all the domestic settlements; institution of the US dollar re-funding project; pay-out of world settlements; and, distribution of funds to many other programs. This involves a total of more than $ 42 Trillion. Economic Receipt occurs when all trustees have access to all of the funds they are responsible for.
3. Our Status – As I advised in April, we are literally on the thresh-hold. This means that the “work” remaining to be finished will not consume more hours than can be accomplished within one day. We have been at this point now for more than three months [!].
4. The Delay – Although I could write a book about what’s been going on behind the scenes [and may one day] to cause this additional delay, I’ll try to give you the condensed version:
First - Please be aware and understand that there is an economic war raging in the background; this war is between those who have controlled this planet for the last hundred and fifty years, and we who think that it must stop.
Second - The naked corruption that is endemic in D.C. is more than most can comprehend; it is clear that these miscreants have no regard for the US Constitution, Federal Laws and Regulations, nor even any sense of simple morality. They are convinced that they are above any constraint that might apply to lesser mortals, and that no enforcement activity will ever successfully address them. I hasten to add that such opinions are not universal; having said that, it is more widespread than not. I can add that some large number of bankers and others have now been arrested and/or indicted; this, in combination with substantial repatriation of “stolen” moneys, is having a significant impact on the balance of power shifting in our favor.
Third - These miscreants are, in effect, fighting for their lives – at least that part of their lives that establishes an environment in which they can continue to lie, cheat, steal, and mortgage your progeny’s lives, all for their personal gain. Accordingly, they will fight until the doors are all closed by a power that they cannot subvert. That fight continues as I prepare this interim update.
Fourth - The good news is, we are winning the battle. The circle within which these bad apples can operate draws inexorably smaller with each attempt to bribe, suborn and otherwise corrupt the system, and the people within it.
Fifth – By what date will we have Economic Receipt, you ask. We will have it when this initial battle phase comes to a successful conclusion. I still believe that will be in the near future; the most recent schedule, based on communication I received, was that it should have been finished by August 13; somehow at the very last moment, the bank was not available [?] to conclude the necessary transfers. This newest problem, I’m told, is being dealt with this weekend.
I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to those of you who continue to demonstrate support and encouragement for our efforts. We remain very optimistic for the long term. Rest assured that the fight will continue until we succeed. We will prevail.
Al Hodges

UNIDENTIFIED SOURCE/MESSAGE ON SKYPE (UNEDITED):  The SEC used CKMX Inc to conduct a sting operation to snare dishonest brokers who were breaking the laws in many ways. They took in BILLIONS.....from honest people..and NEVER gave the money back. THE SEC got caught and the culprits were confronted. They want to settle the matter and pay the people back, but the matter was somehow made part of the worldwide payouts of the programs and dollar refunding program that we all know as the prosperity programs........It is a real deal,,,,and a very simple affair. It is simply a matter of the money being held up by the POLITICAL process, and not anything to do with galactic space ships, or any of that nonesense. The money is there. It could be released in one day, easily. I hope it soon will be.

G I F T I N G: By Diana Benker:  Have not previously addressed the "gifting list" and it's status.  However, it's  become necessary so the phone calls will hopefully diminish.  It's understandable wanting to know where you are in the course of gifting.  It's just the answer is not what you want to hear.  We have NO idea.  We are NOT in control. We were asked to provide names for  Donors that wanted to "gift". Hopefully you will be contacted by a Donor that received names we provided and would gift at the time of deliveries and implementation.  OR by JM and Donors using names he provided.    The deliveries still must happen.  John MacHaffie (JM) took on a BIG job by collecting and providing names to those Donors that needed names.  I can comfortably make this statement as we did over 2800 total names.  We had already provided direct to our Donor and the over runs were sent to JM of approximately 650 names with email, phone and physical addresses.  WHEW.  Hope I've made this perfectly clear.  Was thrilled to provide names for gifting and had many a "glad hand" in accumulating this massive list.  However, we can do no more.  We do care and continue in prayer for your gifting.  Just another of God's miracles waiting to happen.  

If you are strangers to prayer you are strangers to power! 

Monday, September 6, 2010


  • Still waiting for deliveries confirmation at 11:00 PM CST.  All sources are silent. 

We are "ready to roll". Your friend in faith, Diana

You must flow with the will of God, in the service of God, to obtain the power of God.



By Bruce Byfield:  “It’ll happen when it’s suppose to happen.”
By Diana Benker: Partial comments taken from an Internet source:
  “……..when the moment strikes, you can either lose your mind and act out, or sit and contemplate and move on. The funds will be a great incentive to 'reason' first.

“Others with a longer and more powerful ability are the ones at work preparing this country and the world to step into the future.

"Hold onto your hats, this is going to be a wild ride. You've never seen nothing like this before."

INSTRUCTIONS: Communicating via email:
Please do not send duplicate emails!
SKYPE texts are encouraged but not for submissions.      diana.benker
If you were assigned to an Affiliate, we encourage you to communicate with him/her to assist you with documentation and any questions.  We have a tremendous team dedicated to working together to accomplish the best submission possible and help you through this process.

“The first step to becoming, is to will it"        MOTHER THERSA

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Greetings to one and all on this blessed day:

The spirit kept me up all night/examining the notion that a lot of you don’t know and should know “what is NESARA AND RAP?” and what I should do to enlighten so many souls that I’m blessed to be associated and;. Why does it appear all is intertwined in our postings?. Prosperity Program, RAP and NESARA. They are connected.

Corporate America and the evil forces, do NOT want them to succeed.  These 3 organizations and programs redirect, restore our country and the world into a prosperous humanity. No longer are we slaves and are free to accomplish good without interference from the evil of greed and government control.  Restore American Program (RAP) is supported by 50 states and more than 80 countries.  It’s my understanding that Americans are the largest consumer of goods in the world.  Our humanitarian projects are worldwide!! The world will  benefit with our success.  The Prosperity Program makes this most recent funding possible.  Our clients have been through many other funding opportunities through Cloud 9 Trust efforts, have signed contracts and prepared Due Diligence packages at great expense.  Then we discover the potential funding entity does not have the monies to fund. We have been robbed of humanitarian funds for decades.  In this present opportunity, we know where and why monies for funding is a potential, so we submit and be patient. Because we are concentrating on these Donors, that are program participants, the submission process was changed as we were given instructions by the Donors, in preparation for the program to commence.  Many email questions received, tells me there is a need for clarification. So, this outline of the process is provided, in hopes this clarifies for those clients that have previously been with us and those newcomers.  Following the below explanation, you will can read the history of NESARA and then Restore America Plan.   

The present opportunity for funding of your project is coming from Program Participants  (Donors)  of the Prosperity Program. Our understanding; there 8 groups of which each group has many participants receiving funding.  Our previous blog outlined those reported numbers for you. Beginning; Cloud 9 Trust was contacted by a facilitator for a Donor seeking to acquire humanitarian projects. We provided a spread sheet of projects for the Donor to select and then we began!!   We were also requested to sit up a process to fund in 30 days time.  The Grantor program was established with 5 Grantors from within our group so we could process project funding is a short period of time.  When the program changed to "one lump sum payment", we dissolved the Grantor Program and formed the  Affiliate program. Our web page still notes Grantor Program until update.  

To date, we have more Donors than projects. That being stated, each Donor has an amount that must be expended for humanitarian project funding.   Cloud 9 Trust was asked to continue seeking projects that qualified for humanitarian funding for Donors to make selections and meet their requirements.

SUBMISSION FOR THIS PROGRAM:  1) The first client submission documents were 1) Application and 2) Project Data Sheet (PDS).  
C H A N G E S:  1) First change was due to a suggestion to identify the client as a Recipient, not an Applicant.  I did so using the Application and changing the heading to Recipient Information Sheet (RIS).  Simple.  2) A concern surfaced the Donor could be restricted to funding a client; one time.  Therefore we combined clients with more than one project into one RIS and the total funding amount. 3) Then I was notified the monies would be paid in one lump sum and required a one page document that included the banking for wiring of funds. This request resulted in the one page RIS that was achieved by combining the RIS and PDS.  The document is still the Recipient Information Sheet (RIS) and but is only one page.  I prepared most of those documents myself, without bothering the client.  That task was NOT simple, but it is DONE. These are all the changes that I can recall.  The submission now consists of an RIS and Executive Summary.
S E L E C T I O N:  The selection of projects by the Donor is accomplished by us providing a spread sheet of projects from our inventory.  On that spread sheet are the client name, project name, location, amount requested and a brief description taken from your RIS Brief Description and condensed further to fit in a single line; the last column of the spread sheet.  We have more than one Donor.  Potential Donors can also select from the Pending list of projects not yet selected.  Some Donors will not make selection until their funds are delivered and accessed.  Once the funds are received by Donors for project funding, the Pending list of projects will be disbursed for additional selections.  Please don't ask if your project is on the Pending list.  Those projects already selected are informed.  Those projects recently submitted should not be concerned because you recently submitted and are Pending.  There are enough Donors for all our Projects.  When this program begins, you will be informed. 
E X E C U T I  V E    S U M M A R Y:  Recently some Donors requested the Ex Sum be included with the RIS.  Although some clients already provided us with their summary, we needed to be sure we had the latest version.  Those new clients obviously had to be notified to provide one to us.  Some clients did not know all key points necessary to meet requirements.  Recent posting was an outline for those in need of instructions.
G I F T I N G:  Recently the "gifting" requirement by the Donor became part of the process.  It is our understanding each Donor must gift 200 people.  The reported amount of the gifting amount has varied, but the idea of having some funds issued and not part of the project funding was thankful to know, especially as the first step in the process.  We gathered over 2800 names for our Donors.  600 names became excess and were sent to John MacHaffie for his Donor requests for names.  Therefore by reading his blog and those SKYPE groups creating some confusion as to your position in the gifting.  His process is different than ours.  Dire Straits, Needs 1, 2 & 3.  So don't be discouraged just because you have not received notice from John MacHaffie.  Your name or those additional names that you provided to me, could already be with the Donor and not part of the John MacHaffie lists.  My sincere wish is that you do not be concerned.   By:  Diana Benker

      Never laugh at any one's dream.
People who don't have dreams
don't have much.

NESARA:  National Economic Security and Reformation Act is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:
1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
2. Abolishes the income tax
3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential 'new items only' sales tax revenue for the government. In other words food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.
5. Increases benefits to senior citizens
6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from reentry for the remainder of their life. And millions of people will soon discover their college degrees are now worthless paper.
8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The intern government will cancel all “National Emergencies” and return us back to constitutional law.
9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury, 'rainbow currency,' backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restores financial privacy
15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide
17. Establishes peace throughout the world
18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

You probably never heard of this law due to an extremely strict gag order placed upon politicians, media personnel, and bank officers. Even though Alex Jones or Ron Paul will not tell you about it, the law is still valid.  Members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to 'deny' the existence of NESARA or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with 'obstruction.' The CIA routinely bribes senators with stolen loot from the bank roll programs. Every senator has been bribed with a minimum of $200 million dollars deposited in a Bank of America account in Canada. You will never hear the media networks report about NESARA. To maintain silence, major news networks such as CNN are paid in the tune of $2 billion dollars annually. Not only is congress bribed but the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff and upper tier of the government including the president receives these payments as well. Only the Provost Marshall has the lawful authority to arrest these individuals, but sadly he won’t do his job either. And not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet. Prominent nay-sayers include, which is rumored to be a CIA front; which is maintained by the Bush family; Sherry Shriner; and various Internet channelers receiving their messages from telepathic spooks have all contributed to the confusion.

Even the information on Wikipedia is in error. Wikipedia gives you the history of CIA agent Harvey Barnard’s NESARA law. If you look closely, this law stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would have made reforms to the economy and replace the income tax with a national sales tax. This law was rejected by congress in the 1990’s. But there is little mention of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act on Wikipedia or its ramifications.
Restore America Plan
The  Restore America Plan is a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war.  After consultation with high ranking members of the United States armed forces, the Plan is in the process of assembling the Guardians of the Free Republics and reinhabiting the De jure Grand Juries to:
·         Restore and reinhabit the de jure institutions of lawful government.
·         Terminate illicit corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the territorial jurisdiction United States Federal Corporation (corp. ref. 28 U.S.C. 3002) posing as the de jure United States of America.
·         Terminate all presumed powers of attorney to such corporations.
·         End the foreclosure nightmare (for borrowing against one’s own credit).
·         End tax prosecutions for resisting the transfer of private wealth to foreign banking cartels such as I.R.S. (former Puerto Rico Bureau of Taxation).
·         End street assaults against the sovereign People for failing to exhibit a State-issued confession of subject-class citizenship.
·         End all prosecutions which lack an injured party.
·         End admiralty prosecutions for kidnapping and other heinous crimes against mankind as “commercial crimes” against the corporate State under a contrived corporate color-of-law venue (corp. ref. 27 C.F.R. 72.11).
·         Terminate the intrusion of corporations posing as the state into every aspect of the People’s lives.
·         End the use of covert contracts such as Form 1040, car registrations, birth certificate applications, and bank signature cards which confess the signer to be a legal fiction subject of the United States Federal Corporation (“U.S. person”) that has waived his/her rights in favor of state-issued privileges.
·         End the use of deeds which classify the People as “tenants” on their own land, thereby transferring control to incorporated County registrars and tax assessors.
·         End the perversion of marriage into a commercial system of state-issued privileges through the so-called “marriage license” whereby incorporated “courts” presume the “right” to trespass on families and kidnap children.
·         End the hijacking of automobile ownership through DMV registrations which covertly exchange the divine rights of travel and ownership for the state-issued “privileges” of “driving” and “title.”
·         In place of all of the above, substitute sovereign identification, diplomatic immunity and sovereign passports to facilitate safe passage throughout the world free from corporate State molestation and terror.
·         Restore the People’s money and wealth from the banking institutions, war profiteers, and international loan sharks.
·         Instantly vest all mortgages, auto loans and personal business loans “issued” by members of the Fed.  The state shall hold no paper on, or debts against, the sovereign People, directly or through its agencies and licensed banking institutions.
·         Instantly end all non-consensual and unlawful taxation including all taxes on the sacred rights of labor and privacy.
·         Empower and inspire the sovereign People to righteousness through such renewed abundance.
·         Issue orders to the military and police powers to enforce the Peoples’ divine rights of birth.
·         Reabsorb all de facto actors into lawful de jure capacity.
·         End the perverse act of requiring the People to pray to “courts” as is now required under corporate rules and traditions.
·         Restore the de jure judicial institutions including the district court of the United States and the one supreme Court.
·         Quietly mirror the strategies of 1933 thereby using their (our) institutions, military and public officials to undo eighty years of subterfuge without provoking alarm, controversy or armed conflict.
·         Return the military and law enforcement institutions to proper and lawful de jure sovereign authority from the clutches of corporate actors.
·         Forgive all corporate actors who repent for their State-sponsored crimes against mankind.  Remove the recidivists from office.
·         Do all of the above, and more, peacefully, discreetly, quietly and honorably, behind the scenes, without public proclamations or provocative actions against a general public that is mostly unaware of the hijacking of their free de jure American republics, and their hapless media.
RE-PUBLISHED FROM THE Official site of the Restore America Plan.

Let’s roll!!!  

Doing what is right is not always easy and doing what is easy is not always right.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Some of the Donors have requested your Executive Summary.  We sent an email request to those clients that only submitted the RIS and other clients that we knew had changes in their staff or funding requirements, so an updated Executive Summary was necessary.

We've now experienced several questions as to what items are expected in your summary.  An outline is provided below:  

Beginning of form

In the “Header”, use this formatting on each page:
PROJECT NAME:                                                                              PAGE 1 OF ?

Check the below outline of items against your already prepared Executive Summary for inclusion.        Disregard Items That Are Not Applicable

1           PROJECT:

One paragraph with description of project’s objective, its location, and its key components.

One paragraph with explanation of why the project is considered humanitarian.

§  EXAMPLES: Health, medical facilities and also R&D. Educational institutions and programs, orphanages. Projects and programs that create jobs and relieve poverty (e.g. agricultural project and micro-financing programs) • Housing, roads, infrastructures, public utilities for water, sewers, power, transportation and communications • Project that contribute to economic development or environmental preservation AND technology, development and R&D.

One paragraph stating actual or expected public and/or government support of your company and its project. Do you have a government or local organization support letter?

2           BACKGROUND

§  Tangible benefits: in terms of number of people benefits (job creation, home creation, number fed, number cured, etc).

§  Intangible benefits in terms of economic, social, cost of living, environmental and/or other improvements.

3           THE RECIPIENT(Entity) NAME

§  Entity Name:  Signatory Name • Address • Tel • Fax • Email • Skype; Type of organization (corporation, NGO, individual, government) • Registration place, number, and date of incorporation • Contact Official name and ALL contact coordinates.

§  Management Structure: Number of Board Members, President/CEO, and Key Officers/Staff, as applicable. Number of estimated permanent staff.

§  Project/Program Team: Experienced staff, Consultant(s), Contractor(s) and Legal Counsel.


§  Operational Concept: Discuss how the project or program would operate, the staff size and disciplines that would be required, and the availability of such skills.

§  Development Approach: Outline objectives; Describe stages of program preparation, execution, and evaluation.

§  Sustainability: Describe safeguard provisions made to insure that the program will continue a successful operation after humanitarian funds are depleted AND a Performa or estimated income analysis.


§  Action Plan for Development: General Approach • Business Plan status • Milestones for design, construct, train, start up, as applicable.


§  Cash Flow: 

• Enclose and discuss a project or program cash-flow spread sheet that relate costs and resulting funds disbursement schedule; by first year quarterly, then an annual schedule for a total of  three years.

Draw-Down Schedule: Discuss cash flow results for first year quarterly requirements and annual requirements thereafter for a 3 year period.

When using Excel, simply paste a condensed spread sheet into this section. Line items we require and to identify are as follows:

Project Administration 10%


Contingency   15%                 



Consulting Fees  3%           



If your Administration fees are more than 10%, do not exceed 15%. We will submit to potential funding sources, if the amount exceeds our recommendation.  We provide you with the standard guide lines, as we understand them to be. All funding source are provided the Cloud 9 Trust standard protocol for submission for each client and their proposed project.


Number of pages not to exceed 15.   5 to 6 pages are preferred.
  • Logo, etc. on the 1st page only
  • Brief  bios and just the key management staff is sufficient.
  • Pictures are not necessary and take too much space.
  • For those clients that have developed web pages since your original submission, please notify me so I can include your web address as an addition.  Donors are impressed with those that have provided their web sites.

Only send the Executive Summary to:
If you re-submit your RIS, please also state "revision" and send to is for correspondence, as well as SKYPE (diana.benker)
  • Note the company and project name in the subject line of the email and in the file name.


Blessed are those who can give without remembering

And take without forgetting.