Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc



Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc
For once it appears all reports are in agreement and rumors are the same.  Packets are due this week.  The clock is ticking.  This information is from several sources and none of our Donors have been delivered.  Do we all want a wonderful abundant Christmas?  Of course.  Are these reports wishful thinking?  We should know this week.  Check for posts.  All in all, we do wish to have success and fulfill the humanitarian dream efforts!!  God’s will be done.

All you good folks realize we work with several sources of funding for humanitarian projects you have submitted to us and that your project is already in the process.  This blog has been dedicated to the Prosperity Program updates.  However, ALL sources are moving forward and we have great expectations the monies will be released and begin the selection process for funding!!  We can celebrate Christmas and be thankful for the opportunity to be funded!!!  I’ll be notifying each project individually as soon as I have notice.  The FRYAR PROGRAM is still on target to begin again after December 15th.  DOMINION has a name change and will not start until after January 15th issuing an addendum to those that have a contract.  HERO PROGRAM is any day.  We are very grateful to the Donors (program participants) from the PROSPERITY PROGRAM and FARM CLAIMS that have committed to fund.  Cloud 9 Trust is blessed to have these programs made available for potential project funding.

Because you will see the invisible, you will do the impossible...
Because you will touch the intangible you will achieve the incredible....
Because you will hear the inaudible, you will have the unimaginable....

Because of you, your family will not know
Poverty you will go in and out of your house in peace...

Violence and crying of sorrow shall not be heard in your camp...

Because you are God's Idea and God cannot fail, you shall not fail this year...

Favor shall overwhelm your endeavors
You shall not struggle to be recognized...

Your gift shall announce you...

You are entitled to daily fruitfulness...

Every darkness in your life shall give way to the light of God...

All your lack will give way to abundance...

The rejected shall become the selected...

People shall hear your testimonies and follow you to God...

In everything you do, you will succeed...

By the time this 2010 ends, you will look back with joy; and ahead with great expectations

You will take charge of your life as you master your time...

You will discover how to maximize your time and add value to it...

You will become the star of your family
and the hope of your generation...

Because you know where you are going, the whole world will step aside and follow you...

May you find favor with God and men...

May you grow in wisdom and stature...

May you walk in dominion over every circumstance and situation...

Throughout the year 2011, never forget to:

Act as if it were impossible to fail..
Because for people like you and me,
the word failure does not exist...
Your success is non-negotiable...

This will be the greatest year of your life and the beginning of unprecedented success in your life!

Those who laughed at you before shall come to laugh with you...

However bad it has been with you till this point, you shall from henceforth enter into the rest and;

God shall take you to the place of your
greatness and destiny.

You shall have visions that are clear,
virtues that are right and victory that is certain...

You are blessed beyond curse, raised above terror and established beyond oppression...

You shall not lack counsel and ideas...

You shall have eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that understands...

In place of breakdown you shall have
breakthrough; In confusion, you shall be enlightened; and in weakness, you shall be strengthened...

There shall be for you beauty in place of ashes, the oil of gladness in place of spirit of heaviness...

Every closed door against your goodness, greatness and destiny shall open of their own accord...

You shall be instructed and illuminated within by the Spirit of God..  AMEN

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Continued rumors of deliveries that we cannot verify.  Appreciate one and all for your patience and prayers.
In His hands,

When people realize that their thoughts and Visions are creating their future,
then we can create a better future for ourselves.
We see a world where suffering has ended; where all living creatures - the plants, the animals, the people - are living in a state of exaltation and joy because no one is harming anyone else, no one is in competition with anyone else, and no one is encumbering or enslaving anyone else.
We see people feeling safe, feeling secure, feeling serene, and it is in this environment that our potentials begin to blossom. Creativity in all its wondrous forms is now expressed by all as we bring forth the gifts we came here to give. We have transcended the dark and stepped into the light of all things great and good.
Such is the world that is inside us all, waiting on us to let it come out.

20 Ways to Find, Sustain and Share Happiness
Excerpts: from Carol Tuttle article
Happiness is a choice. The more happiness you choose, the more life presents you with experiences to feel happy about. If you are feeling blue or even downright depressed, you must make the decision to "get happy."
The bottom line is, if we give a lot of attention to what we don‘t want, we create more of it.
1. Choose to be happy rather than right.
2. Repeat aloud: "It doesn‘t matter."
3. Pay it forward.  For every kind deed offered to you, do a kind deed for someone else.
4. Write thank-you notes frequently.  The energy of gratitude feeds happiness.
5. Smile—even if you don‘t feel like it.  You eventually will!
6. "Tap-out" your sad feelings.  Using your fingertips, tap all over the top of your head while repeating: "I am free of this sadness. I am now feeling happy."  Tapping on the nerve endings on the top of your head will start to lift this heavy, sad energy.
7. When you think a complimentary thought about someone—tell them.
8. Refrain from making judgments—think something positive instead.
9. Whistle.
10. Skip around your house.
11. Turn on your favorite upbeat song and sing along.
12. Ask your angels to flow to you the energy of happiness.
13. Patch your right eye if you are thinking negative thoughts.  When you put an eye patch on your right eye, you quiet the left brain and its negative chatter.
14. Hug someone—tightly.
15. Ask your children to tuck you in bed and read you a story for a change.
16. Stay in the present.  Let the future be just that: the future.
17. Hold a newborn baby and welcome them into the world.
18. Give some service to someone who is needier than you.
19. Exercise regularly.
20. Pray and meditate.
And, just because I like to give a little extra, because it makes me happy,
21. Love yourself and make the choice to "BE HAPPY."
You are a powerful magnet either attracting to you what you don‘t want or what you do want!